

2024-01-03 12:35:17 编辑:郑裕娇 来源:海南广电国际传播融媒体中心

细沙为墨,纤手为笔;沙画艺术家何素丹,如何用沙画架起中国与世界情感沟通的桥梁,如何用沙画向世界展示中国传统文化的浪漫之处?海南自由贸易港的魅力?由海南广播电视总台外宣部制作的中英文版《海南自贸港》栏目本周六在凤凰卫视欧洲台播出——《轻“沙”漫舞》。With fine sand as ink and hands as pens, how does artist He Sudan use sand paintings to bridge China and the world, and show the romance of traditional Chinese culture and charm of Hainan Free Trade Port? The program "Hainan Free-Trade Port" produced by the Documentary Department of Hainan Broadcasting Station will be broadcast on PCNE on Saturday.