艺术与岛 春日相遇(Art and Island, Meet in Spring)

艺术与岛 春日相遇(Art and Island, Meet in Spring)

2022-04-24 16:37:09 编辑:郑裕娇 来源:海南广电国际传播融媒体中心
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由海南广播电视总台外宣部制作的中英文版《海南自贸港》栏目,本周六在凤凰卫视欧洲台播出——《艺术与岛 春日相遇》(Art and Island, Meet in Spring):经典与新潮碰撞,精致与粗犷融合,创作步履不停,灵感在春日绽放,来自全球的艺术作品将会在海南幻化出怎样的感动?本期节目带您走进海南岛春季国际艺术展,这个初春,让我们共赴一场佳作云集、精彩纷呈的艺术盛宴。

 Introduction: The Chinese and English version of "Hainan Free-Trade Port" produced by Documentary Department of Hainan Broadcasting Station will be broadcast on PCNE this Saturday. "Art and Island, Meet in Spring": Classics run into new trends, exquisiteness fuses roughness. The footsteps of creation never stop, the inspiration flourishes on every spring day. What touching moments will the artworks from all over the world create in Hainan? In this episode, we'll take you to the Hainan Island Spring International Art Season to enjoy an artistic feast serving masterpieces and great experiences.
