治水“小巨人”(“Small Giant” in Water Conservancy)

治水“小巨人”(“Small Giant” in Water Conservancy)

2022-08-07 17:20:13 编辑:向贤莉 来源:海南广电国际传播融媒体中心
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由海南广播电视总台外宣部制作的中英文版《海南自贸港》栏目,本周将在凤凰卫视欧洲台播出——《治水“小巨人”》(“Small Giant” in Water Conservancy):

以“设计让生活变得更美好”为出发点,海南天鸿,扎根乡村,深入大山,在潜力无穷的经济特区海南逐浪前行, 从人畜饮水、市政设计到生态修复,他们为海南的生态环境做出了自己的贡献,新的时代,他们面临的新的挑战,也有着新的使命。 本期节目就带领大家走进海南天鸿的科创故事。

Introduction: The Chinese and English version of “Hainan Free-Trade Port” produced by Documentary Department of Hainan Broadcasting Station will be broadcast on PCNE this Saturday. “‘Small Giant’ in Water Conservancy”: In view of the idea that “design makes life better”, Hainan Tianhong Company is in the depths of the rural mountains, chasing the waves of the promising Hainan special economic zone. From water supply, urban design to ecological restoration, they have done their part for the ecological environment of Hainan. The new era has confronted them with new challenges and missions. This program will present to you the scientific innovations made by Hainan Tianhong.
