Sanya Reports 2 Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases, Both Family Members of Previously Confirmed Case 三亚新增2例无症状感染者,均为2月28日确诊病例的亲属

Sanya Reports 2 Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases, Both Family Members of Previously Confirmed Case 三亚新增2例无症状感染者,均为2月28日确诊病例的亲属

2022-03-03 17:57:50 编辑:李依凡 来源:海南广电国际传播融媒体中心
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海南网台、视听海南客户端3月3日消息(记者 彭琦惠)3月2日和3日,三亚市新增2例新冠肺炎无症状感染者,分别为2月28日确诊病例的孩子和婆婆,在集中隔离管理时例行核酸检测呈阳性。两名无症状感染者的轨迹与确诊病例相同,已送至定点医院隔离治疗。

On March 2 and 3, Hainan's Sanya City reported two new confirmed asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, the child and mother-in-law of the case confirmed on February 28. The patients tested positive during centralized isolation. The two asymptomatic cases have the same travel history as the previously confirmed case, and have been sent to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment.
