第三集:策马奔腾——环岛旅游公路串联海南旅游经济 [Part 3]: Giddy Up: Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway Links Up Island's Travel Economy

第三集:策马奔腾——环岛旅游公路串联海南旅游经济 [Part 3]: Giddy Up: Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway Links Up Island's Travel Economy

2024-01-01 23:32:27 编辑:马樱函 来源:海南广电国际传播融媒体中心

海南网台、视听海南客户端11日消息(记者 林帅辰 )2023年12月下旬,海南环岛旅游公路全线通车。作为建设海南自由贸易港和创建国际旅游消费中心的先导性重大基础设施项目,海南环岛旅游公路全长988公里,贯穿海口、文昌、琼海等沿海12个市县,初步形成一条串联全岛众多美景的“珍珠项链”,将为海南旅游经济和交通发展奠定良好基础。


The Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway was fully opened to traffic this December. The Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway, a major infrastructure project in the construction of the Hainan FTP and creation of an international tourism consumption center, extends in a loop 988 kilometers long connecting Hainan's 12 coastal cities and counties. This "pearl necklace" of beautiful scenery is set to lay a strong foundation for the development of Hainan's tourism economy and transportation links.

In this episode, HIMC presenter Henry and overseas communication officer Inira embark on a road trip along the Hainan Coastal Scenic Highway, exploring the beautiful scenery that lies between the mountains and the sea and marveling at Hainan's developing character.