大戏琼音·红叶题诗(The Great Qiong Opera: Poems on Red Leaf)

大戏琼音·红叶题诗(The Great Qiong Opera: Poems on Red Leaf)

2022-01-31 12:45:04 编辑:李依凡 来源:海南广电国际传播融媒体中心
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由海南广播电视总台外宣部制作的中英文版《海南自贸港》栏目,本周将在凤凰卫视欧洲台播出——《大戏琼音·红叶题诗》(The Great Qiong Opera: Poems on Red Leaf):琼剧、历经百年传承,入选第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。《红叶题诗》,有着近百年历史的琼剧传统剧目,唱腔优美,戏词优雅,二十世纪六十年代,赴京演出使得《红叶题诗》成为海南琼剧的巅峰之作。时隔59年,海南琼剧院复排《红叶题诗》,能否再现经典,开启海南琼剧新篇章?

Introduction: The Chinese and English version of “Hainan Free-Trade Port” produced by Documentary Department of Hainan Broadcasting Station will be broadcast on PCNE this week. “The Great Qiong Opera: Poem on Red Leaf”, dating back to about one century ago, has been included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. It is a traditional piece of Qiong Opera featured by beautiful singing and lines. Its performance in Beijing in the 1960s was successful, acclaimed as the cream of Hainan Qiong Opera. Now, 59 years have passed, Hainan Qiong Opera Theater is rehearsing the play again. Will the classic be revived to usher in a new chapter of Hainan Qiong Opera?
